Before: The Outside

It was such a beautiful day outside today that I decided to do some gardening work and take our before pictures of the outside.   Even though this is truly a before post, I’m going to throw in some before and afters of the flower beds I’ve been working on.  Our plan is to replace the siding next summer, and add a big porch around the front.  I’m a little bit of a flower snob, so even though most of the bed will be ripped when we add the porch, I wanted to clean them up a little bit.  Enjoy!

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Before and after!

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I think this might be one of my biggest projects.  There are a TON of those big rocks buried in the bed, and I’m struggling with what to do because the whole area will be covered by a porch by next summer!


These two areas have been the source of my biggest frustration with the outside.  I thought the corner bed with the bench would be the perfect place to put my two hydrangeas.  Then I realized there is about 3 inches of pea stone in there, and I have no way to get it out.  I figured, “No big deal.  I’ll put them next to the back door!  It’ll be perfect.”  That’s about the time I found out that it’s not actually a flower bed or a patch of grass.  It’s only 3-4 inches of dirt with grass growing in it over cement.   Oh the humanity!  I am now back to square 1 with what to do with my two blue hydrangeas.

My last outside project is/will be cleaning up the back corner of the yard.  The previous owners had a play area with woodchips back there, but we’d rather it be more grass.  Aaron’s dad came into town with a tractor and dug out most of the old woodchips, which saved me us about 2 weeks of shoveling.  We decided to try our hand at some fruit, so we will have some grapes, raspberries, and blueberries (in theory, anyway).  The four posts on the right will become our grape trellises.  The non-grass area that isn’t going to be involved in fruit growing will be re-seeded.


We will also have just a few strawberries.

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There were originally boxes around the rectangles of strawberries, but Aaron took them off in an attempt to move the planters.  He thought there were bottoms on them……there were not.  There are actually two more beds of strawberries of that size to the left (not pictured), but the majority of those didn’t come in.  Once we can get them transplanted to the back garden, I will be taking orders for jam. 😀

Until next time!

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